PMP Live Class with Kavita Sharma – Significant Contributor PMBOK6

The PMP Class with Kavita Sharma |  8 – 23 June 2020. Thin and lean [...]

Congratulations Randy Higginbotham

Congratulations Randy Higginbotham. Glad that my books helped you to pass the PMP. It is [...]

PMP Live Class with Kavita | June 2020

The PMP Class with Kavita Sharma |  8 – 23 June 2020. Thin and lean [...]

Congratulations Ravi

Dear Kavita, Hope you are doing well. I finally marked the Day and earned my [...]

How to Pass PMP in 21 Days

Here is much awaited plan to pass pmp in 21 Days.

Congratulations Hariharan

Dear Kavita, I am really glad to let you know that today I have successfully [...]

PMP Live Class with Kavita | April 2020

The PMP Class with Kavita Sharma, starts on 17 April 2020. Thin and lean classes. [...]

Congratulations Prathyusha

I am glad to share that I have cleared PMP exam with above target score [...]

Congratulations Joseph

Hi Kavita, I wanted to let you know, I bought your book ten days before [...]

Congratulation Karthee – You are a PMP :)

Congratulation Karthee – You are a PMP 🙂 Hi Kavita – I had given my [...]


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