Category Archives: Announcements

Congratulations Rajan, on passing the PMP exam

Congratulations Rajan, on passing the PMP exam. Well deserved. This is what Rajan shared: Hi [...]

Congratulations Karthik Raghavendra Sompalli – You are a PMP :)

Congratulations Karthik Raghavendra Sompalli – You are a PMP ЁЯЩВ This is what Karthik said: [...]

George – You Passed the PMP EXAM – Congrats

Congratulations on Passing the PMP Exam George.┬а Here is what he said: Hi Kavita, I [...]

Rohini – Congratulations on Passing the PMP Exam

Congratulations on Passing the PMP Exam.┬а Here is what Rohini said I Passed my exam [...]

Bala G, Congratulations on Passing the PMP Exam

Congratulations on Passing the PMP Exam, Bala.┬а Here is what Bala said Hi kavita Very [...]

Key Concepts | PMP 2021 | Project Life Cycle Study Capsule with 5 Let’s Play Questions

One of the most important topics to Pass PMP in your first attempt is to [...]

Congratulations Amol

Dear Amol, Great to hear that you passed your PMP exam. Congratulations. I cleared the [...]

You are a PMP Badarch – Congratulations

Dear Badarch Sergelen, Great to hear that you passed your PMP exam. Congratulations. Ive Cleared [...]

2021 Changes and Next Steps

Here is a video to summarize the 2021 changes and next steps

PMP Test Prep Kit 2021 is LIVE

Hi all, The PMP Test Prep KIt is now updated to help you pass the [...]