Author Archives: Sharma Kavita

Congratulations Chiri

Hello Kavita, I passed my PMP exam in 28 days. Your coaching was excellent. I [...]

All books by Kavita sharma at 50% off.

We are celebrating March 2023 All books by Kavita sharma at 50% off.  Shipping in [...]

Are you preparing for the PMP exam? Important info | PMP Exam changes in 2023

The PMP Exam is changing in 2023: All you Need to Know.   The PMP [...]

Salience Model – How to manage stakeholders

The below video describes the salient model in detail. Latent Stakeholders They have just ONE [...]

PMBOK Process/ITTO Games

A walkthrough at to play games and learn more on: – Processes – Process [...]

PMBOK process simplified

If PMBOK process chart is difficult for you to inderstand – this video is for [...]

Happy Holidays and New Year 2023

Wishing all of you a very happy new year and peaceful holidays..

CAPM exam is changing | Jan 2023

The CAPM exam is changing. WHY The CAPM exam is changing to reflect the changing [...]